Taste of Italia
When I was working on one of the salesareas in the nursery, scraping livermoss of the mypex, my boss wife Miranda came to me with a blue plastic bag. A gift they brought for me from their vacation in Italy as a thank you for looking after the chickens and plant babies.
It was something for me apparantly, something to eat - and I know my self and how much I love getting things I can eat (that and yarn)..
A gift they brought for me from their vacation in Italy as a thank you for looking after the chickens and plant babies.
Happycolored pasta - dyed only with juice from vegetables, a soap made from olive oil, flavoured with lemon, olive oil that smells and tastes DIVINE totally different and what you can get in the supermarket, and three different spicemixes all natural from what I can read.
So who's coming with me to Italy?
Postat av: Sofia Elisabet
Jaaaag! Mat, vin, sol och ett fantastiskt landskap, vad mer kan man önska sig liksom?