Anna <3 Alpaca
This weekend, when I went to Skåne, I went with my parents to Kusipacha Alpacafarm.
The very nice alpackafarmer Leif gave the full guided tour. We got to pet the alpacas and ask all big and small question about the life and being of the alpacas.
And last but not least - I got to dive in several bags of alpacafleeces, and ofcourse a whole bunch of fleeces came home with me.
It was a very nice afternoon and I'd like to thank Leif for taking the time to show us around and telling us all about the alpackas.
Now I have alot of work in front of me, washing, sorting and carding/combing and spinning the wool. But I don't consider it work, I consider it A TON OF FUN!
HERE you can read more about Kusipacha Alpacafarm, about the alpaca wool and even buy some very nice wool!
The very nice alpackafarmer Leif gave the full guided tour. We got to pet the alpacas and ask all big and small question about the life and being of the alpacas.
And last but not least - I got to dive in several bags of alpacafleeces, and ofcourse a whole bunch of fleeces came home with me.
It was a very nice afternoon and I'd like to thank Leif for taking the time to show us around and telling us all about the alpackas.
Now I have alot of work in front of me, washing, sorting and carding/combing and spinning the wool. But I don't consider it work, I consider it A TON OF FUN!
HERE you can read more about Kusipacha Alpacafarm, about the alpaca wool and even buy some very nice wool!
Postat av: Emmy
Det där såg ju allt annat än otrevligt ut.
Det här ska jag komma ihåg om jag har vägarna förbi Skåne någongång. Jag vill också klappa alpackor :)
Hoppas få se mycket av den införskaffade ullen här sen.
Postat av: eddy
haha=) jag tror jag måste fått hjärnsläpp där på kvällskvisten. 9 veckor menar jag ju såklart=) ska ändras
vilka härliga bilder förresten. jag är inte alls avundsjuk. inte alls =)
Postat av: eddy
tack=) jag gillar den väldigt myclet. å pippitröja vad härligt. ska bli kul att se den klar