Helping Hands
Jag var inne på Lush när jag var i Amsterdam två veckor sedan, jag var ute efter en schampokaka och hårdtvål till kroppen inför min resa till Sri Lanka, samt efter handkräm eftersom min gamla var slut.
Jag fick jättebra hjälp av en kille som jobbade där, det jobbade till och med två killar i den Lush butiken, kul!
Gick hem med en burk Helping Hands som är speciellt utvecklad för människor som arbetar mycket med händerna och mjukar upp på djupet.
Jag har använt den i två veckor nu och den känns verkligen skön!
Den är ganska krämig med ingredienser som mandelolja, sheasmör och kakaosmör. Jag brukar smörja på kvällen innan jag ska sova och vaknar med händer som är mjuka och lena!Amsterdam i bilder
Här kommer lite samlade bilder på den finfina helgen i Amsterdam!
Lördagsmorgonen bjöd på såhär fint morgonväder
Om det började brinna var det enligt instruktionerna på engelska helt okej att trasha receptionen.
I de holländska intrukstionerna skulle man visst ringa receptionen..
Den här kisen låg i solen på en av stolarna inne på pannkakshuset som vi åt lunch på.
Vi utnämnde hen genast till först shoppingpåsevaktare
Lillebror och jag, mätta och belåtna efter pannkaksfrossan
Så fort jag och mamma ägnade oss åt något som av min lillebror ansågs som tråkigt så halade han fram en bok ur en av sin jackas många fickor (första dagen hade han en i varje ficka, sen var vi på ABC fyra gånger och fyllde på lagret). Här står han och läser medans mamma och jag fotar sjalar.
Spindelmannen fick sig en kyss innan vi lämnade Madame Tussauds
Snygga mosssprutet utanför Rijksmuseum. När jag blir stor ska jag också ha en mossfontän!
Mamma och lillebror utanför vandrarhemmet
Varanerna som härbergerar en gräsplätt mitt i Amsterdam
Utanför Anne Frank museét vars jättelånga kö vi slapp stå i!
Mamma med våffla och glass på Ben & Jerry's och lillebror med Hannibal Lector på Madame Tussauds
Sista gången vi gick förbi ABC, lillebror tyckte det var bäst att gå in och handla en fjärde och sista gång. Jag och mamma tog en powernap på bänken utanför..
Madame Tussauds
Under helgen i Amsterdam besökte jag, och vi, Madame Tussauds för första gången vi våra liv.
Det var önskemål från lillebror som var sugen på att gå dit när vi var i Amsterdam i maj, men då hann vi inte.
Så med våra förköpte biljetter i hand gick vi förbi hela långa kön på lördag eftermiddag och spenderade sedan några timmar med att hänga med kändisar, kika var Marilyn hade under kjolen, strypa spindelmannan och rocka med Freddie Mercury.
Lillebror med Drottning Beatrix av Nederländerna
Mamma känner sig något tveksam till George Cloney
Brad Pitts äcklig tår, why oh why låter man honom sitta och visa upp dem!?
Som utlovat - rockar med Freddie Mercury
Spindelmannen försökte antasta mig så jag reagerade blixtsnabbt med att strypa honom
Mamma med sina två favoriter - Freddie Mercury och Justin Bäver
Tour de France nästa - jag är ju redan snabbare än Lance!
Hängde lite med Fiona (nej, min lillebror är inte en jätte men han norpade stubben före mig)
Jag kikade under Marilyns kjol och sedan fick lillebror bikta sig för mina synder..
Sist men inte minst så sa hade jag en något aggressiv disskussion med Bush!
Minnesdag för Operation Market Garden
Under Andra Världs Krigets sista del var halva Nederländerna befriat.
Operation Market Garden planerades för att frita broarna vid Arnhem så att resten av Nederländerna skulle kunna intas och befrias från Tyskarna.
Det hela gick ut på att tusentals fallskärmssoldater skulle släppas innanför fiendes linjer och göra ett försök på att ta tillbaka broarna så att soldaterna skulle kunna ta sig över floderna och befria Nederländerna.
Operationen utfördes, med tyskarna väntade på dem, större delen av fallskärmshopparna sköts medans de fortfarande var i luften, ännu fler när de hade landat.
Så sent som i förra veckan hittades kvarlevorna av en canadensare som skjutits ner under Operation Market Garden.
Det var canadensare, amerikanare, engelsmän och polacker som gjorde sitt yttersta för att frita Arnhem den gången, den 17 september 1944.
Det kommer på en gång så nära men är samtidigt långt bort för mig som svensk.
Här finns så många som minns fortfarande, min chefs mamma var 10 år när kriget slutade och har väldigt många minnen från den tiden. Om hur tyska soldater bröt sig in i deras hem och slog ner hennes pappa i jakt på mat, hur hon och hennes väninnor sydde kjolar har gamla fallskärmar de hittade på heden eftersom det var sådan brits på kläder och tyg. Historierna är många, och svåra att ta till sig. Därför är det så viktigt att minnena lever kvar och att vi pratar om det, för att undvika att det aldrig, aldrig kommer att hända igen.
![gif maker](
För att inte glömma och för att ära de som dog hålls en minnesstund varje år, tusentals människor kommer från Nederländerna samt från de länder som var med i fritagningsförsöket. I år hoppade sammanlagt 1000 fallskärmssoldater i grupper om 20 från Dakotaplan och Herkulesplan. Förra året var sista gången en veteran var med och hoppade.
Nikon AF-S DX 18-105/3.5-5.6 G ED VR
Har köpt ett nytt objektiv!
Jag har haft min dikon D3000 i ungefär 2.5 år. De två första åren hade jag bara 18-55 mm objektivet som följde med huset, jag tyckte det blev bra bilder.
Sen köpte jag mitt Sigma 70/2.8 EX DG MACRO och då förstod jag vad bra bilder var. Nu kan jag inte riktigt med att fota med mitt gamla objektiv eftersom bildkvalitén är så mycket sämre. Samtidigt är macrot inte så optimalt att ha med i sammanhang där man vill kunna ta mer "allround" bilder, både nära, långt ifrån, porträtt osv.
Så med lite rådgivning från min personlige proffsfotografvän Sofia så kom jag fram till att
Nikon AF-S DX 18-105/3.5-5.6 G ED VR var objektivet jag sökte.
Nu är det inköpt och påväg till mitt föräldrahem i Skåne.
Därifrån ska det få flyga hela vägen från Kastrup till Schipol och till slut landa i min famn på Amsterdam Central.
Åh, vad jag längtar!
Jag längtar också efter de två som kommer som leverantörer av mitt nya objektiv, nämligen min lilla mamma och min lilla bror!
Ser verkligen fram emot att vrida fast det och prova!
Har en del finigheter som ska fotograferas i Amsterdam...
Gråt inte över spilld mjöl(k)
Gråta över spilld mjölk är något man har fått lära sig att inte göra, men idag övar jag mig i att inte gråta över spillt mjöl!
Idag när jag kom hem från jobbet upptäckte jag nämligen Heike, chefens hund, hemma hos mig, hon var helt vit i ansiktet. Hon slickade sig runt munnen och slank illa kvickt ut.
När jag kom in i köket upptäckte jag vilket brott hon hade begått. Hon hade bitit sönder en kilos påse mjöl och trampat runt det i hela köket.
Inte nog med att hon spritt mjöl i hela köket, hon hade även hållt på att slicka på det så att det hade bildats en härlig deg som fastnat på golvplattorna i köket.
Så nu har jag städatstädatstädat, så nu tänker jag hålla helg och verkligen njuta av det!
Heikes fredagsöverraskning..
To read
I've entered a "bookreadingmood". My book reading comes in waves, sometimes I can digest a book per week, sometimes it's much longer intervals between the books.
But I'm talking about actually reading books. I've always got an audiobook at hand and after finding the booksshouldbefree webpage it became even easier to get my hands on good audiobooks.
I like to listen to audiobooks because then I can both knit and "read" a good book at the same time.
I mostly choose to that before reading since reading takes up valuable knitting time..
But as said - I've been reading more and more latly.
This weekend I finished the first book in the Hungergames triology by Suzanne Collins and The Genesis Plauge by Michael Brynes.
It was 37 degrees in the shadow this weekend so all there was to do was lay in the sun and read (or sleep)...
Some other books I've read this summer, so good that they are worth giving up the knitting for an hour or to..
On one of our outings, while I was in Sweden, took us to Hanö.
A small island, with weather beaten nature, a grave for english soldiers, a dragon mark and sea as far as your eye can reach.
Now 6 month old Ioko took the trip with ease
After 40 minutes on the boat we hit target, the cutes harbour in time!
..and ofcourse my brother sat out to read when the rest sat out to fill their stomachs with the picnic we brought.
Notice the importance of covering all part of skin that could be exposed to sun.
My brother in a nutshell!
The sun was enjoyed just as old friendship
Look at them, som calm, enjoying watching a puppy taking his first swim ever..
...then, suddenly, it was not so pleasant wathching a puppy take a swim anymore..
Then it was time to go home, Iok slept the whole boat trip. First on the deck, then in Annes lap, cute little wet puppy
New dress, Old dog
My parents old dog Tesslan really enjoyed having me home, more than Muffin did I think..
We've been cuddling alot! She acted like a little crazy puppy when I came home, just wanting more and more cuddles.
I bought some new dresses in Sweden, first time I bought clothes in 5 months acctually.
So here we are, me in my new dress together with our old dog Tesslan!
Cute old Tesslan, a lady turning 14 years old this year
BBQ at the beach
I spent a great evening with my friend Emelie at the beach.
She'd arrange for sunshine and a very tasty BBQ.
We hadn't met since I went to the Netherlands so we had a thousand things to talk about.
Time really flies when you have a good time and before we knew it, it was time to part.
BBQ master
The chillaxing master..
Having the compulsory icecream at Ottos for desert!
Time to update my doings here in Sweden!
I'll just have to begin with saturdays mornings event - I went to my aunt to visit her teenage chicks!
They are of the breed Sussex Buff, and english breed that are just as yellow both like baby chicks and like grown up.
They are cute little chicks, laying cute little eggs, that you can bake cute little cakes from!
Cuddeling one of the chicks
Nemo keeping a close eye at the chicks doing and where abouts
The only lady of the three, now called Miranda
Yesterday evening, after sometime of research and mature consideration, I booked a a trip to volunteer in Sri Lanka.
Now I'm awaiting the confirmation and then I will also book the flight.
The plan is to spend four weeks at an organisation that takes care of elephants whos former owners couldn't afford to take care of them anymore and then have two weeks of holiday on Sri Lanka.
I'm looking forward to get to know alot of new people and to be of good use to people who aren't born as fornutaned as I!
Read more about the organisation here
How about a trip..
Just finished a very nice skype-talk with my dear friend Rebecka, who is my personal luxury-underwear-supplier and untop off that she is a really great person! I admire her willpower and the belive that she has in her self, that she knows that she can accomplish anything she likes.
We started talking about maby making a trip to South America during winter, I feel really excited about it!
Photo of Dianthus gratianopolitanus 'Babylon' I took last week
We started talking about maby making a trip to South America during winter, I feel really excited about it!
Photo of Dianthus gratianopolitanus 'Babylon' I took last week
Challange accepted
Maria challanged me to answer ten questions - challange accepted!
1. Which knittingproject makes you most proud?
The Ice Princess cardigan since it's 100% my own design and it turned out really good!
2. If you were and animal, which animal would you be?
Definently a cat! Imagen having a soft fur, people looking after you, petting you - but only when YOU want it.
This is my cat Muffin haning out in my mums bookshelf..
3. What do you do in ten years?
In ten years I've improved my gardning skills and my knitting skills. I have a job that makes me happy and satisfied and that lets me keep improving as a gardener. I hope to have evolved as a humanbeing and that I have all my beautiful friends still around me!
4. What new skills would you like to learn?
I'm a big fan of languages so maby a new language. Japanes maby, something that I'm not really in need of that would be cool to know.
5. Who/what inspires you in life?
My parents! I admire their love for eachother and their way of always supporting me and my siblings in a way that makes us know that we can always turn to them.
6. If you would change proffesion, what would you then you?
I would work with animals or with languages, two things that fascinates and intrigues me!
7. How old were you when you learnt to swim?
Correct me if I'm wrong mum - I think I was 6 years old. I went to evening swimingschool when I was 5 years old. But, yes I know it's funny, I was so skinny then so after every half less in the outdoors pool the swimteacher had to lift me out of the pool beacuse I was so cold that I was I was never long enough in the pool to learn that yearn..
8. If you got the chance to move to another country, which would it be?
Well, I've sort of moved to the Netherlands now for a periode, and I've also lived in Belgium before. But if I would choose I must say that New Zealand is very interesting, invoronment that you can't find anywere else and sheaps, loads of sheaps..What more can a knitting gardener ask for?
8. Which herring is your favourite?
Skärgårdssill! Creamy and loads of flavour. But freshfried, pickled herring with onion is another favourite, something I've learn from my dad.
9. Do you squize on the middle of the toothpaste tube or do you "roll" it?
I would say neither, I squize from the end and let the tube stand upsidedown in my toothbrushglas, that way the toothpaste is alsways at the right end of the tube.
10. Which is you favourite season?
SPRING! Since I started studying and then working with gardening I appreciate spring more and more, and I obsorbe avery second of it! Looking at the leafbuds everyday, documenting the steps the garden takes day by day.
Since this challange is going around among my friends I'll take it as my mission to challange EVERYONE who wants to be challange.
Part of the challange was to make up 10 new question, so these are my questions -
1. What color would you NEVER use in a knittingproject?
2. If you only got to eat one type of food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
3. If you got the chance to live one day as the other sex (man if you're a woman, woman if you're a man) what would you do during that day?
4. What is your favourite word?
5. If you could play an instrument, what would it be?
6. If you could swap life with a famous person, who would you become?
7. What secret skills do you have?
8. What is your favourite candy?
9. If you were a fruit, which one would you be?
10. If you could develope a new bodypart, what would it be?
1. Which knittingproject makes you most proud?
The Ice Princess cardigan since it's 100% my own design and it turned out really good!
2. If you were and animal, which animal would you be?
Definently a cat! Imagen having a soft fur, people looking after you, petting you - but only when YOU want it.
This is my cat Muffin haning out in my mums bookshelf..
3. What do you do in ten years?
In ten years I've improved my gardning skills and my knitting skills. I have a job that makes me happy and satisfied and that lets me keep improving as a gardener. I hope to have evolved as a humanbeing and that I have all my beautiful friends still around me!
4. What new skills would you like to learn?
I'm a big fan of languages so maby a new language. Japanes maby, something that I'm not really in need of that would be cool to know.
5. Who/what inspires you in life?
My parents! I admire their love for eachother and their way of always supporting me and my siblings in a way that makes us know that we can always turn to them.
6. If you would change proffesion, what would you then you?
I would work with animals or with languages, two things that fascinates and intrigues me!
7. How old were you when you learnt to swim?
Correct me if I'm wrong mum - I think I was 6 years old. I went to evening swimingschool when I was 5 years old. But, yes I know it's funny, I was so skinny then so after every half less in the outdoors pool the swimteacher had to lift me out of the pool beacuse I was so cold that I was I was never long enough in the pool to learn that yearn..
8. If you got the chance to move to another country, which would it be?
Well, I've sort of moved to the Netherlands now for a periode, and I've also lived in Belgium before. But if I would choose I must say that New Zealand is very interesting, invoronment that you can't find anywere else and sheaps, loads of sheaps..What more can a knitting gardener ask for?
8. Which herring is your favourite?
Skärgårdssill! Creamy and loads of flavour. But freshfried, pickled herring with onion is another favourite, something I've learn from my dad.
9. Do you squize on the middle of the toothpaste tube or do you "roll" it?
I would say neither, I squize from the end and let the tube stand upsidedown in my toothbrushglas, that way the toothpaste is alsways at the right end of the tube.
10. Which is you favourite season?
SPRING! Since I started studying and then working with gardening I appreciate spring more and more, and I obsorbe avery second of it! Looking at the leafbuds everyday, documenting the steps the garden takes day by day.
Since this challange is going around among my friends I'll take it as my mission to challange EVERYONE who wants to be challange.
Part of the challange was to make up 10 new question, so these are my questions -
1. What color would you NEVER use in a knittingproject?
2. If you only got to eat one type of food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
3. If you got the chance to live one day as the other sex (man if you're a woman, woman if you're a man) what would you do during that day?
4. What is your favourite word?
5. If you could play an instrument, what would it be?
6. If you could swap life with a famous person, who would you become?
7. What secret skills do you have?
8. What is your favourite candy?
9. If you were a fruit, which one would you be?
10. If you could develope a new bodypart, what would it be?
As it's easter and I'm not working on monday I took the oppertunity to visit my friends in Belgium.
This time it's even more nice to be here than usual since I'm not only greeted by my dear friends but also by Ioko, a 10 week old, chocolatebrown labrador puppy!
Ioko comes from the organization Hachiko that with the help of "ordinary" familys train dogs to be able to help disabled people in their daily life with things like opening doors, picking up keys, taking clothes of and so on.
The dogs spends 1,5 year in the family, where it has to learn several commandos.
Then the organization trains the dog for another half a year and then the dog is fit for getting his or her "boss". When the dog is fully trained it knows about 80 different commandos. Everything from peeing when told to, to walking backwards and stay put until it's asked to leave.
Morning cuddles
Sometimes you get a picture like this..
..and sometimes Ioko is about to give the camera a lick before you know it..
And after cuddles, modelling and cameralicking it's naptime, sleep tight Ioko!
This time it's even more nice to be here than usual since I'm not only greeted by my dear friends but also by Ioko, a 10 week old, chocolatebrown labrador puppy!
Ioko comes from the organization Hachiko that with the help of "ordinary" familys train dogs to be able to help disabled people in their daily life with things like opening doors, picking up keys, taking clothes of and so on.
The dogs spends 1,5 year in the family, where it has to learn several commandos.
Then the organization trains the dog for another half a year and then the dog is fit for getting his or her "boss". When the dog is fully trained it knows about 80 different commandos. Everything from peeing when told to, to walking backwards and stay put until it's asked to leave.
Morning cuddles
Sometimes you get a picture like this..
..and sometimes Ioko is about to give the camera a lick before you know it..
And after cuddles, modelling and cameralicking it's naptime, sleep tight Ioko!
New beginning
It's been dead quiet here for a while now, and like most things also this has it's reasons.
I'm not the one to out details about my relationship on the internet, but I can say as much as that I'm not in one anymore and that the person that I thought was dearest to me has made me deeply dissapointed.
So I'm of to a new beginning and that beginning begins in Holland.
I'm going to Holland to work at the organic perennial nursery called de Hessenhof for about eight months, from mid March to end of of October.
I thing this will be an amazing experience and I'm really looking forward to it. I hope you'll follow my adventures in the land of cheese and tulips!
I'm not the one to out details about my relationship on the internet, but I can say as much as that I'm not in one anymore and that the person that I thought was dearest to me has made me deeply dissapointed.
So I'm of to a new beginning and that beginning begins in Holland.
I'm going to Holland to work at the organic perennial nursery called de Hessenhof for about eight months, from mid March to end of of October.
I thing this will be an amazing experience and I'm really looking forward to it. I hope you'll follow my adventures in the land of cheese and tulips!
Oslo here I come
In a few hours I'll be on my way to see my friend Rebecka in Oslo, Norway.
I've never been to Oslo so it will be twice the fun to both visit a dear friend and a new country.
I have a list consisting of four yarnshops that I hope to visit.
Other than that I'm just gonna enjoy the time I will spend with Rebecka!<3
Sugar and spice, me and my darling when she visited me in Mariestad 2010!
I've never been to Oslo so it will be twice the fun to both visit a dear friend and a new country.
I have a list consisting of four yarnshops that I hope to visit.
Other than that I'm just gonna enjoy the time I will spend with Rebecka!<3
Sugar and spice, me and my darling when she visited me in Mariestad 2010!
Tulip Time!
This is the time to decorate your home with lovely bouquet of springtulips!
Tulip Time!
Tulip Time!
Take that fear and wear it like a crown
Yesterday may have been the best friday in a long time!
The greatness begun at 17.00 pm at Fröken Olsson where I and Eddy spend about an hour knitting with other knittingenthusiasts of the Sip and Knit group.
When then walked on to Stora Teatern at Avenyn to see the fabuluos Cirkus Cirkör show
Wear it like a crown.
After being seated on not so comfortable charis the show begun, AND WHAT A SHOW!
It was amazing, dazzling, spectacular, funny, beautiful and absolutly magnificent!
We sat in the middle of the second row and could enjoy every faceexpression, it made show feel really special, like they were on stage only for our personal enjoyment.
The greatness begun at 17.00 pm at Fröken Olsson where I and Eddy spend about an hour knitting with other knittingenthusiasts of the Sip and Knit group.
When then walked on to Stora Teatern at Avenyn to see the fabuluos Cirkus Cirkör show
Wear it like a crown.
After being seated on not so comfortable charis the show begun, AND WHAT A SHOW!
It was amazing, dazzling, spectacular, funny, beautiful and absolutly magnificent!
We sat in the middle of the second row and could enjoy every faceexpression, it made show feel really special, like they were on stage only for our personal enjoyment.
The fabolous Wear it like a crown trailer
While waiting to get to the wardrobe after the show the artists came out on stage to more or less hangout and talk to the audience, and ofcourse we couldn't resist to ask for a picture..
Eddy and the oh so funny and charming pingpong juggler.
Cirkus Cirkör was really something extra, something I've never experienced before. But it sure won't be the last time!
After being bobsmacked by Wear it like a crown we went to have a glas of wine and knit for a couple of hours.
All in all, a really great evening!
While waiting to get to the wardrobe after the show the artists came out on stage to more or less hangout and talk to the audience, and ofcourse we couldn't resist to ask for a picture..
Eddy and the oh so funny and charming pingpong juggler.
Cirkus Cirkör was really something extra, something I've never experienced before. But it sure won't be the last time!
After being bobsmacked by Wear it like a crown we went to have a glas of wine and knit for a couple of hours.
All in all, a really great evening!
Once upon a time
The creaters of Lost has now given us Once upon a time.
A greate series if you ask me - it's exciting, adventures, mystic and intriguing.
AND it's family entertainment!
The storyline reads
"Emma Swan gets the surprise of her life when Henry, the son she gave up 10 years ago, arrives on her doorstep. Returning the boy to his adoptive mother becomes complicated when Henry reveals a stunning theory to Emma. Everyone in Storybrooke, Maine is a fairytale character under a curse, and Emma - as the long lost daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming - is the one who can save them all. The story unfolds; interweaving scenes of the drama in the sleepy New England town and the the inhabitants' past lives in the world of fairy tales. The timeless battle of good vs evil is ready to begin again."
Watch it, now.
A greate series if you ask me - it's exciting, adventures, mystic and intriguing.
AND it's family entertainment!
The storyline reads
"Emma Swan gets the surprise of her life when Henry, the son she gave up 10 years ago, arrives on her doorstep. Returning the boy to his adoptive mother becomes complicated when Henry reveals a stunning theory to Emma. Everyone in Storybrooke, Maine is a fairytale character under a curse, and Emma - as the long lost daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming - is the one who can save them all. The story unfolds; interweaving scenes of the drama in the sleepy New England town and the the inhabitants' past lives in the world of fairy tales. The timeless battle of good vs evil is ready to begin again."
Watch it, now.