Christmas ornaments

Finally Strikk had a deliverance of wool to stuff the christmas ornaments. When I came to the boutique they had already sold half of the bad they had recived. So I thought to my self - don't be cheap - and bought the rest of what they had.

1/2 kilo of woolstuffing came home with me.

So this weekend I sat down to fill the ones I've knitted. They are not perfect, it wasn't easy to stuff them with out getting lumps in the wool.
But in a christmastree with low lighting no one will ever know..

Once upon a time there were three little christmas ornaments..

Looking forward to knit several more!

Postat av: Majstess

Så fina!!! Tack så jättemycket för mitt fina garn förresten!!

2012-02-07 @ 10:18:50
Postat av: Caroline

Hej Anna.

Vilken jättefin blogg du har!

Jag har en liten fråga till dig om Trädgårdsutb på Dacapo. Hur mycket närvaro är obligatorisk? fördelad per vecka tex? Om man missar ett obligatoriskt moment, finns det då något sätt att kompensera för det?

Vänliga hälsn caroline.

2012-02-07 @ 14:35:48

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