You who have been following my blog for a while know that I've got a week spot for orchids..
And while working the the flowershop I couldn't help to "take care" of all the orchids that were out of flower and hence that couldn't be sold. So I took them all in my care. Resulting in that I now have 21 orchids..
Of these 21 orchids not less than 18 are in full bloom, and the others have loads of flowerbuds and will soon be in bloom too!
So here are some pictures of this orchidheaven!

Most of the orchids are in the two kitchen wndows so that I can enjoy them everytime I sit down to eat!

White with pink speccles

Dark magenta

Purplepinkish with dark speccles
My orchids always tend to flower in wintertime, a great time to blossom if you ask me. Since I have so many geraniums that blossom in summertime it's greate to have the orchids to enjoy during the darkness of winter!
And while working the the flowershop I couldn't help to "take care" of all the orchids that were out of flower and hence that couldn't be sold. So I took them all in my care. Resulting in that I now have 21 orchids..
Of these 21 orchids not less than 18 are in full bloom, and the others have loads of flowerbuds and will soon be in bloom too!
So here are some pictures of this orchidheaven!

Most of the orchids are in the two kitchen wndows so that I can enjoy them everytime I sit down to eat!

White with pink speccles

Dark magenta

Purplepinkish with dark speccles
My orchids always tend to flower in wintertime, a great time to blossom if you ask me. Since I have so many geraniums that blossom in summertime it's greate to have the orchids to enjoy during the darkness of winter!
Postat av: Mamma
OK, jag ger mig... Jag har bara 13 blommande orkidéer och 10 som inte är i blom (flera av dem har blommat nyligen och några har knoppar på gång). Köpte en ny igår, halva priset på det kända stället Bauhaus, pyttesmå gula, doftande blommor som sitter tätt tillsammans, ungefär som på en buddleja.
Postat av: Sofia
Ja, varför blommar de på vintern? Mina har spruttat igång ordentligt nu sedan ett par månader tillbaka, och nu trängs ALLA i köket eftersom jag renoverar... Vilket bara fick mig att inse att jag skulle kunna få plats med lika många orkideer till. Inte bra, inte bra alls ;)