When I was in Amsterdam with my family two weeks ago we visited the floating flowermarket.
There I bought a corm that didn't have to be either planted or even watered to bloom!
For 3.5 euro is was mine, why not I thougt, could be fun.
What they didn't tell me was that it had a next to leathal smell!
This, my friends, is a Sauromatum venosum, a plant with flowers that smells like rottning flesh.
Why? To attract flies to kill them with it's lethal odour.. Ops, I mean to get pollinated by them.
Let's just say its no longer standing in my kitchenwindow..

Sauromatum venosum

Quite nice in all it's wickedness..
There I bought a corm that didn't have to be either planted or even watered to bloom!
For 3.5 euro is was mine, why not I thougt, could be fun.
What they didn't tell me was that it had a next to leathal smell!
This, my friends, is a Sauromatum venosum, a plant with flowers that smells like rottning flesh.
Why? To attract flies to kill them with it's lethal odour.. Ops, I mean to get pollinated by them.
Let's just say its no longer standing in my kitchenwindow..

Sauromatum venosum

Quite nice in all it's wickedness..
Postat av: Susanne
Tänk vad mycket spännande det finns i växtvärlden!! Själv hoppas jag på att kunna hitta någon form av affär där jag kan hitta lite udda fröer el växter som jag kan ta hem. (utan jorden då).
Du frågade om min bild... det är små ankelsockar som var bara upptill men med en spets som höll upp dem. Det finns sockar o stickins här i massor av färg, form o med spets el annat!