The crocosmias are and have been in full bloom for some time.
Most of them have got names like 'Hellfire', 'Emberglow', 'Fire Jumper' and other fire-related names.
Most of them have got names like 'Hellfire', 'Emberglow', 'Fire Jumper' and other fire-related names.
This one is my favourite and it's called 'Lucifer'.
It's something in that name that attracts me, it makes me think about forbidden fruit.
'Lucifer' is one of the tallest crocosmias and grows to 120 cm high. It's also one of the most hardy of the crocosimas and therefor perfect for dutch as well as swedish climate!

Crocosmia 'Lucifer'
Easy harvest carrots
Alot of posts about my kitchengarden now a days on lillavackraanna buuut it is after all harvest season and I enjoy a variety of different vegetables, fresh from my kitchengarden every day.
So I can't help my self from charing it!
Todays vegetable is the almighty carrot!
So easy to harvest on the lovely sandground we are situated on, and it seems that the corrotfly hasn't made it's way to my carrots this year!

Carrots Purple Haze and Early Nantes
One of my favourite vegetables are artichokes.
It's not a very usable vegtable, you really can't cook many different things with it, but it's sooo tasty!
I've planted 4 artichoke plants this year, and since each of them gives about one big and 2-3 small ones I have alot of tasty artichokes to look forward to eat!

Three beautiful artichokes that I harvested today!
Yarnmania at Penelope
I visited Amsterdams best yarnshop yesterday, Penelope Craft, and I ofcourse bought some yarn, alot of some yarn..
First off all I needed another skein of Skein Seasalt to finish my latest design project, then I needed two skein of admiral to knit two baby cardigans.
So that's what I needed - now we come to what I wanted.
I've been wanting to knit the Acrons cardigan like forever and I felt that now was the time.
So what I wanted was five skeins of Cascade worsted yarn to knit that cardigan.
Then I felt I wanted something more, but I didn't know just what.
I've been looking at the Holst yarn, admiring the colors but not liking the feeling of it. But when Malia showed me a pair of cuffs knitted with Holst, the yarn had a totally different feeling and was really super soft.
So I wanted two balls of Holst and I bought that too.
After 3,5 hours of chatting about yarn, patterns and litterature I left Penelope at closing time with this:

100 g Skein "Seasalt", 50 g Holst Garn "Geranium", 50 g Holst Garn "Cloudberry" (odd name since Cloudberries are orange not purple), 100 g Schoppelwolle Admiral "Oliven", 100 g Schoppelwolle Admiral "Jeansmelliert", 500 g Cascade 220 and a springgreen color!
Knitted from top to toe
Just got back from a great day in Amsterdam, and I just wanted to show you the first thing I stumbled upon in the first shop I entered..

...there they were, chillaxing in the back of the shop, two men, knitted from top to toe. I immediatley felt that this would be a good day!
Taste of Italia
When I was working on one of the salesareas in the nursery, scraping livermoss of the mypex, my boss wife Miranda came to me with a blue plastic bag. A gift they brought for me from their vacation in Italy as a thank you for looking after the chickens and plant babies.
It was something for me apparantly, something to eat - and I know my self and how much I love getting things I can eat (that and yarn)..
A gift they brought for me from their vacation in Italy as a thank you for looking after the chickens and plant babies.

Happycolored pasta - dyed only with juice from vegetables, a soap made from olive oil, flavoured with lemon, olive oil that smells and tastes DIVINE totally different and what you can get in the supermarket, and three different spicemixes all natural from what I can read.
So who's coming with me to Italy?
Today I got three skeins of Kalinka flax by post from Strikk in Gothenburg.
I'm not yet a convinced flas-lover, but I'm working on it.
My friend Emma though, she is a real flax lover, and it is because of her I got the three skeins today.
I'm going to do a testknit for her.
The skeins are going to turn into a A-shaped sweater with 3/4 sleeve, with one part striped and one part solid...
So Emma, come on and send me the pattern so that I can begin!

2 skeins of dark purple and 1 skein undyed flax soon to be turned into something nice and stripy!
Tinywiny tomatoes
I've said it before and I'll say it again - having a kitchengarden of my own might be the best thing in the world!

To read
I've entered a "bookreadingmood". My book reading comes in waves, sometimes I can digest a book per week, sometimes it's much longer intervals between the books.
But I'm talking about actually reading books. I've always got an audiobook at hand and after finding the booksshouldbefree webpage it became even easier to get my hands on good audiobooks.
I like to listen to audiobooks because then I can both knit and "read" a good book at the same time.
I mostly choose to that before reading since reading takes up valuable knitting time..
But as said - I've been reading more and more latly.
This weekend I finished the first book in the Hungergames triology by Suzanne Collins and The Genesis Plauge by Michael Brynes.
It was 37 degrees in the shadow this weekend so all there was to do was lay in the sun and read (or sleep)...

Some other books I've read this summer, so good that they are worth giving up the knitting for an hour or to..
On one of our outings, while I was in Sweden, took us to Hanö.
A small island, with weather beaten nature, a grave for english soldiers, a dragon mark and sea as far as your eye can reach.

Now 6 month old Ioko took the trip with ease

After 40 minutes on the boat we hit target, the cutes harbour in time!

..and ofcourse my brother sat out to read when the rest sat out to fill their stomachs with the picnic we brought.
Notice the importance of covering all part of skin that could be exposed to sun.
My brother in a nutshell!

The sun was enjoyed just as old friendship

Look at them, som calm, enjoying watching a puppy taking his first swim ever..

...then, suddenly, it was not so pleasant wathching a puppy take a swim anymore..

Then it was time to go home, Iok slept the whole boat trip. First on the deck, then in Annes lap, cute little wet puppy
I think the picture speaks for it self..

My first time cooking mussels on my own, sooo tasty!
Knitting with the best
One of the things I looked forward to the most of vacation in Sweden was to see Eddy and Emma in Gothenburg and enjoy a whole day (and night) of knitting, chatting and laughing!
We hadn't seen eachother for 5 months so there wasn't much time for taking pictures. Things needed to be talked about, new projects shown, hours flew by..

I begun the day by taking the tram to see Emma, we had a cup of tea and did alot of chatting and a little bit of knitting.
Then we took a hike uo the hill to Eddys appartment. When arriving at the scen of the crime Eddy and Tofsvipan met us with open arms and freshly baked scones.
After havning a sconesfeast for breakfast we said "byebye" to Tofsvipan and set to work. Showing eachother new WIP's, new yarn, new finished objects, things we want to knit sooner rather then later.

Of of the "I show you mine if you show me yours" was Eddys choice of yarn for our Ellington Sock KAL.
We tried to begin on it but we both quite quickly realized that it wasn't a knit suitable for company knitting, we'll just have to go on working on it in different countries

Pictures were taken of both this and that, it's great having friends who understands just how you want your photos to look.
I caugt a close up of Eddys Prima Ballerina, check it out, it's her own design and a real beauty!
The day was then followed by more knitting, a kitchentable overloaded with "things that we really need to have here on the table right now, or else we can't knit", cooking palak paneer for 5, playing Trivial Pursuit, carrying a bed from the basement, browse through book of fabric swaps, oooh:ing and aaah:ing while doing so, finally chose one and coarsely cut it out - what it's for, you will find out another time.
Those kind of days makes me miss Sweden and Gothenburg. But knowing there are many more of those days coming up, I can't help but smile.
You are the best of the best!
..and the winners are..
The winners in my sockpattern give-away are now to be announced.
Since there was as many as 51 people competing for the pattern I decided to gave away 5 instead of 3 free patterns.
The winners are:
Linda Karlsson
Lena S
Anitha Gustafsson
A big applau for the winners and a even bigger thanks to all who competed!
I hope the winners will enjoy their pattern that will be sent to their email.
Cricus Socks
My first pair of socks knitted with handdyed, selfstriping yarn are done!
The yarn is 100% merino, two ply. The socks feel very dence but still springy so I think they will keep my feet very warm this winter and hopefully not get holes anytime soon..
The yarn is dyed with Landscape Dyes in my friend Dinekes studio in den Haag.
This is Circus Socks!

Happy circus stripes

I like the way how the stripes varies through out the different parts of the socks

Thanks mom for lending your feet as models!
New dress, Old dog
My parents old dog Tesslan really enjoyed having me home, more than Muffin did I think..
We've been cuddling alot! She acted like a little crazy puppy when I came home, just wanting more and more cuddles.
I bought some new dresses in Sweden, first time I bought clothes in 5 months acctually.
So here we are, me in my new dress together with our old dog Tesslan!

Cute old Tesslan, a lady turning 14 years old this year
Sokkelo halfmitts and cuffs
Sokkelo halfmitts and cuffs is my latest pattern!
I took my chance to take som pictures of it when I had Eddy in my reach to model for me.
Sokkelo means labyrinth in finish and refferes to the pattern created with cable technique.
Both the halfmitts and the cuffs use the same cable pattern, but beginning on different parts of the pattern.
The pattern is almost completed on paper and will be testknitted and avaliable at ravelry soon!

Sokkelo halfmitts

Sokkelo halfmitts

Sokkelo cuffs

Sokkelo cuffs
If you are interested in testknitting, keep an eye out in the free pattern testers group on ravelry!
Pattern release and give away
Yesterday I published my pattern Elizabethian socks on ravelry!
And since it made me in such a happy mood I will give away THREE FREE PATTERNS.
All you have to do is leave a comment on this post before Wednesday at 6 pm.
Winners will be presented on Thursday!

If you can't wait you can buy it now!
When I got my hands on a beautiful skein of Skein sock I felt an urge to design something new.

Work in project..
BBQ at the beach
I spent a great evening with my friend Emelie at the beach.
She'd arrange for sunshine and a very tasty BBQ.
We hadn't met since I went to the Netherlands so we had a thousand things to talk about.
Time really flies when you have a good time and before we knew it, it was time to part.

BBQ master

The chillaxing master..

Having the compulsory icecream at Ottos for desert!
Under the mulberry tree
In my parents garden stands a Mullberry tree.
It's not very old or big, but this year it's giving ALOT of fruit.
The great thing with mullberries is that all the fruit doesn't become ripe at the same time. Instead you can harvest a little every day, or like this year - quite alot very year.
So we places us inside the mullberry tree and started picking. Fingers a lips got blue as Anna-Carin and I filled both bowls and mouths with sweet juicy mullberries!

We have a "blue" mullberry tree, so tha black ones are the ripe ones

Fingers getting more blue by the minute..

Anna-Carin in the tree

White chocolatecake with mullberries and nectarines